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Tyne & Wear proposed Quality Contracts - Printable Version

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Tyne & Wear proposed Quality Contracts - Southernsofty - 13/08/2013 16:59

A question?
Avoiding the politics, right or wrongs of the proposed Quality Contracts scheme which might start in 2015, how many of the following features (copied and pasted from the QC scheme proposals - and edited down) are currently in place and operational now in the fleets of GA/Stagecoach/Arriva around T & W?

"2.4 The requirements are that the vehicle:
2.4.1 is fitted with an engine which, as a minimum: meets the Euro V emissions standard; or has been retro-fitted so that it is compliant with the Euro V emissions standard for particulate matter,

is fitted with an operational driver behaviour management system to help deliver fuel efficient driving techniques. Each Quality Contract shall require Operators to: provide additional training to drivers who do not meet the minimum standards required; and implement incentives which reward drivers for good performance; is low floor easy access and fitted with fully operational wheelchair ramps;
is not fitted with middle and/or rear passenger entry or exit doors, provided that this sub-paragraph 2.4.4 shall not apply to: articulated buses; or middle and/or rear emergency exit doors;
complies with Schedules 1 and 2 of the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 (as amended or as substituted from time to time), and each quality contract shall require that Nexus can require that such compliance is demonstrated by the production on request by the Operator of a Quality Contract Service of either: a Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Certificate (PSVA 2); or a Public Service Vehicles Certificate of Conformity (PSVA 5);
is painted in a livery specified by Nexus within the Quality Contract, and re- painted (at the Operator's cost) at least every four years;
is free from all third party advertising internally and externally, with the exception of any materials provided by Nexus or its contractors. Any such materials provided by Nexus must be located within the designated advertising frames;
has route number and destination displays which conform with Schedule 2 of the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000 (as amended);
has electronic destination displays which are kept in working order and which display: the designated destination and service number as specified in the service schedule at the front; and the designated service number at the side and rear;
is equipped with a vehicle location system and two-way voice/data communication which enables: contact between the driver of the vehicle and the operator's depot; and the provision of real time passenger information,
which will be available at all times;
is equipped with internal and external digital closed circuit television equipment;
is equipped with ITSO compliant electronic ticket machines;
prohibits smoking, and displays signs prohibiting smoking throughout the entire vehicle (including the upper deck on double deck vehicles);
makes provision for the storage of shopping bags, trolleys and folded pushchairs in proximity to the entrance, which may be provided over a wheel arch;
is clean and damage free internally and externally at all times, and the quality contract shall require that the operator shall as a minimum: clean each vehicle daily internally and externally (subject to health and safety risks associated with sub-zero temperatures) before entry into service, including the removal of all litter, graffiti and etching; and carry out a deep clean of each vehicle at least once every 4 weeks;
displays notices supplied by Nexus (in a position to be determined by the operator) in accordance with the terms of the quality contract;
has undergone a mandatory interior and exterior mid-life refurbishment prior to its eighth year of passenger service;
has an age of no more than 12 years through the initial term of each quality contract, provided that this requirement will not apply during any discretionary extension to a quality contract;
complies with all appropriate vehicle and maintenance legislation for the duration of the quality contract;
is fitted with a ventilation and heating system which is maintained to ensure a comfortable environment appropriate to the outside temperature at all times; and
is fitted with a means of avoidance of condensation, such as air conditioning, double-glazing or forced air ventilation, with particular attention given to reducing noise and vibration''.