Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986. Garage allocations available on request. Any additions / removals / edits, etc, very welcome. 0019-0023 UKA19-23V MCW Metrobus DR101/1 – MCW H43/30F 0030-0043 ACM704-08/68/69/09-12/72/70/71X Leyland Olympian ONTL11/1R – ECW H46/31F 0046-0053 CHF346-53X Dennis Dominator DDA157 – Alexander R H45/33F 0054-0055 DEM821-22Y Volvo Ailsa B55-10 – Alexander R H45/33F 0056-0063 EKA156/57Y, DEM758-63Y MCW Metrobus DR102/1 – Alexander R H45/33F 61 DBG131D Leyland PD2/40 – Massey H36/30R 0064-0068 A316-20GLV Leyland Olympian ONTL11/1R – Alexander R H47/29F 0069-0081 A151-63HLV Volvo Ailsa B55-10 MkIII – Alexander R H44/37F 278/84/86 GEM598/604/06N AEC Swift MP2R – Marshall B44D 0651 CWM151C Leyland Titan PD2/40 – Weymann OP37/27F 0658 GFY58E Leyland Titan PD2/40 – Weymann H37/27F 0672 PFY72J Leyland Panther PSUR1B/1R - Marshall B43D 0681/82/90 VWM81/82/90L Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H45/29D 1001-70 A321-35GLV, A96-149HLV, B926KWM Leyland Atlantean AN68D/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1150/74 UKA601H, XKC801J Leyland Atlantean PDR2/1 – Alexander H47/32D 1201/16 XKC828/43K Leyland Atlantean PDR2/1 – Alexander H49/31D 1237-39/43/44/47/48/53/63/71/74/76/77/83/91 BKC237-291K Leyland Atlantean PDR1A/1 Special – Alexander AL H43/32F 1297-333/335-46/49/50/52-69/71-95 DKC297-395L Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1396/98-418/20-45 EKD396-445L Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – East Lancashire H43/32F 1446-48/50-52/54-57/59-85 GKA446-85L Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1449 GKA449L Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL OP43/32F 1486/88-91/93-96/98-526/28-46 GKA486-546M Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1547-50/52/53 OLV547-53M Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1551 OLV551M Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL OP43/32F 1554-70 PKB554-70M Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1571-85 RKA575-89N Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1586-611/13-25 GKA11-50N Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1612 GKA37N Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL OP43/32F 1626-70/72-85 HTJ626-85P Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1685-725 JWM685-725P Leyland Atlantean AN68/1R – East Lancashire H43/32F 1726-32/34-55 LKF726-55R Leyland Atlantean AN68B/1R – East Lancashire H43/32F 1756-65 MTJ756-65S Leyland Atlantean AN68B/1R – East Lancashire H43/32F 1776-805 OEM776-805S Leyland Atlantean AN68A/1R – MCW H43/32F 1806-08/10-15 PKA720-9S Leyland Atlantean AN68A/1R – MCW H43/32F 1816-20 PHF557-61T Leyland Atlantean AN68A/1R – MCW H43/32F 1822-27/29-42 RBG821T, TWM209-11V, RBG825-27T, TWM213-217V, WWM917W, TWM219/20V, RBG837-41T, TWM221V Leyland Atlantean AN68A/1R – East Lancashire H45/33F 1843-59 WWM920-36W Leyland Atlantean AN68B / 1R – Willowbrook H45/33F 1860-67/69-72 AFY180-192X Leyland Atlantean AN68B / 1R – Willowbrook H45/33F 1873-912 XEM873-912W Leyland Atlantean AN68B / 1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1913-67 ACM913-67X Leyland Atlantean AN68B/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 1968-71/73-91 DKF683-85Y, EKA171Y, DEM773-91Y Leyland Atlantean AN68D/1R – Alexander AL H43/32F 6001-30 SKF1-30T Leyland National 11351A/1R – Leyland B49F 6031-34 STJ31-4T Leyland National 11351A/1R – Leyland B49F 6035-41 UEM35-41V Leyland National 2 NL116L11/1R – Leyland B49F 6042-49 YFY1-8M Leyland National 1151/1R – Leyland B46D 6050-59 MTJ766-75S Leyland National 11351A/1R – Leyland B49F 6060/62-79 RKA866-885T Leyland National 11351A/1R – Leyland B49F 6080-99 VBG80-99V Leyland National 2 NL116L11/1R – Leyland B49F 6100-38 WWM905W, VBG101-22V, WWM906-09W, VBG127-30V, WWM910/11W, VBG133V, WWM912-916W Leyland National 2 NL116L11/1R – Leyland B49F 6139-63 XLV139-63X Leyland National 2 NL116AL11/1R – Leyland B49F 6164-73 CKB161-70X Leyland National 2 NL116AL11/1R – Leyland B49F 7000-02 OHF858S, RKA886/7T Leyland National 11351A/1R – Leyland DP45F 7003/08 WWM576W, YKA8W Leyland Leopard PSU3E/4R – Duple Dominant I DP49F 7004-07 XTJ4-7W Leyland National 2 NL116AL11/1R – Leyland Suburban Express DP44F 7009-20 CKC623/25/27/26/24/28X, EKA215-20Y Leyland Tiger TRCTL11/2R – Duple Dominant IV DP49F 7021-30 EKA221-26Y, A996HKB, EKA228-30Y Dennis Lancet SD510 – Duple DP31F 7031 BCK314Y Leyland Tiger TRCTL11/3R – Duple Laser C45F 7049-54 C49-54HDT Dennis Domino SDA1202 – Optare B33F (ON LOAN FROM SOUTH YORKSHIRE TRANSPORT) 7669-93 D669-93SEM Dodge S56 – Alexander B23F (ON ORDER, LATE 1986) 7713/20/23/25-28/31/36/43/44/51-54/56 D713-56PTU Freight Rover Sherpa – Dormobile B16F (ON LOAN FROM CROSVILLE MOTOR SERVICES) L706/806/12 CKF706C, FKF806/12E Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1 – MCW H43/35F L832/78 FKF832/78E Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1 – MCW H43/28D The Beatles, Fountains Of Wayne, XTC, The Who, ELO [font=Impact][/font]
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RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
CANNING ROAD (68 vehicles) 0651/81/82/90, 1035/36, 1253, 1449, 1524/51, 1695, 1700-10/28/34/38/42-44/46, 1976/77, 6029-35/42-49/70-72, 6135-38/54/55/62-65, 7000-03/05/08-10/31 EDGE LANE (128 vehicles) 1011/14/15/19-22, 1393/96/98/99, 1400-02/05/10/12/14/15/18/37, 1560, 1650-55, 1712-27/40/41/45/47-55/76-99, 1800-08/10-20/93/94, 1906/09/13/80-82/88/90/91, 6021-28, 6107-09/14/25/33/34/59, 7004 GARSTON (71 vehicles) 1009/10/12/16/17/18/23/40/41/57/58, 1302/05/07/10/21/25/27/32/33/55/66/74/76/78/79/80, 1533/34/39/40/47/49/50/52, 1604/11/13/56-58, 1892, 1907/10-12/19/20/33/37-40/43/66/67/73/79/89, 6147-53/60/61, 7024/26/28 GILLMOSS (138 vehicles) 0019-23/35/36/42/43/46-53/56-63, 1025-27/46/47/65/68/69, 1375/86/88, 1452/56, 1500-02/05/07/08/31/32/35/36/41/46/53-57/63-67/69, 1605/06/42/43/47-49/74-90/92/94/99, 1711/29-31/60-62/64/65, 1832/33/35-37, 1915/29/30/34-36/53-59/70/71, 6002/73/74/80/82/89-99, 6100-02/10/23/24 GREEN LANE (122 vehicles) 0030-34/37-41/64-68, 1013/24/33/34/42/43/53/54/62-64, 1381/82/84/89/95, 1422-28/31-33/26/39-42/45/57/98, 1503/04/25/26/28-30/75-80, 1691/93/96-98, 1732/35-37/39/56-59/63, 1834/38-72/83, 6001/04-07/38/39/81, 7007 JACKSON STREET (135 vehicles) 278/84/86, 1004/59, 1237-39/43/44/47/48/71/76/83/91/99, 1300/01/03/04/06/08/09/14/19/26/30/38/40/42/56-60/67-69/72, 1821-27/29-31, 6003/08-20/36/50-60/62-69/98, 6103/04/12/13/15-22/26-32/39-46/56-58/66-73, 7013/16/21-23/49-54 LAIRD STREET (165 vehicles) 0054/55/69-81, 1001-03, 1328/29/31/35/36/37/39/41/45/49/50/54/71/73/77/83/85/91/92, 1454/55/59-86/88-91, 1506/09-18/37/38/86-99, 1600-03/10/15/16/26-39/44-46, 1895-99, 1900-05/21-28/46-50/74/75/83-87, 6037/75-79, 7006/12/15/25/27, 7727 SPEKE (99 vehicles) 1028-32/37-39/48-52/60/61/66/67, 1407/34/48/50/51/93/95/96/99, 1519-23/42/43/58/59/61/62/68/70-74/81-85, 1614/23-25/40/41/59-70/72/73, 1884-89/91, 1908/14/16-18/44/45/51/52/60-65, 6040/41, 6105/06/11, 7014/18/20 WALTON (60 vehicles) 1005-08/44/45/55/56/70, 1322-24/44/46/52/53/61-65/87/90, 1446/47, 1544/45/48, 1607-09/12/17-22, 1874-82/90, 1931/32/41/42/68/69/78, 7011/17/19/29/30 POOL / RESERVE / UNALLOCATED FLEET (48 vehicles) 672, 1297/98, 1311-13/15-18/20, 1403/04/06/08/09/11/13/16/17/20/21/29/30/35/43/44, 6083-88, 7713/20/23/25/26/28/31/36/43/44/51-54/56 DRIVING SCHOOL (13 vehicles) 61, 0658, 1150/74, 1201/16/63/74, L706/806/12/32/78 TOWING VEHICLE (1 vehicle) 1277 The Beatles, Fountains Of Wayne, XTC, The Who, ELO [font=Impact][/font]
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RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
Not right , plenty of mistakes in those. Even more if at de-reg day itself and plenty if after. |
RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
There was also hired in Domino's from South Yorkshire, unsure of fleet numbers/regs but do recall them being on 155/195 in St Helens. When these disappeared, it wasn't uncommon for one of the Swifts to appear on the 195 - happy days! |
RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
(25/07/2020 19:26)St Helens Rider Wrote: There was also hired in Domino's from South Yorkshire, unsure of fleet numbers/regs but do recall them being on 155/195 in St Helens. When these disappeared, it wasn't uncommon for one of the Swifts to appear on the 195 - happy days! The Dominoes are on the list. The Beatles, Fountains Of Wayne, XTC, The Who, ELO [font=Impact][/font]
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RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
(25/07/2020 18:17)MPTE1955 Wrote: Not right , plenty of mistakes in those. Even more if at de-reg day itself and plenty if after. Please correct me then. The Beatles, Fountains Of Wayne, XTC, The Who, ELO [font=Impact][/font]
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RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
Southport Nationals 6042/3/8/9 YFY1,2,7,8M were sold to Preston Corporation in September 1986 a few weeks before dereg. Hope this helps. From memory CR also had some 1200 BKC-Ks for school tenders too. Think these commenced from the September too. I can't remember which to be exact but from your great list 1243,1264, 1265 and 1276 ring a bell plus 3 or 4 more. 1253 had been there since early 1985 and was still in normal service at dereg. 1298, 1316,1317 and 1318 also arrived around 10/86 but not sure if they had entered service or did a few months later. 6021/22/34/74 arrived as replacements for the sold Nationals. |
RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
1500-02 were at Walton not Gillmoss, 1617/22 were at Gillmoss and not Walton. 1411 was not in Pool it was at. GM at as were 1403/06/08/09/10/13. 1827/28/29 were at GM with 32/37. 1833/ 1835/1836 were at Walton |
RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
Nice work on this everyone some memories of the allocations there especially at GL and GM. I wonder when 1833-36 left Walton as these were definitely at GL/GM mid/late '87 as 1834 the only W-reg one was GL bus by then and I think there's a pic of 1836 on a 14C taken in early '88 too. Probably standardising that batch of East Lancs I suppose? Similarly I wonder if Speke's Alexander Dominator's moved to GM in October '86 or before then? Were they fairly similar to the Metro's at GM or not quite the same? Interesting that until the F-YTJ Olly's EL, Garston and Speke only had Atlantean's and National's too. |
RE: Merseybus initial fleetlist October 1986
The dominators moved to GM straight after de-reg,. I think 1834 might have been new to GL, |
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