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Bus-Related Outings & Reviews
RE: Bus-Related Outings & Reviews
I went out today to Preston (via Ormskirk) with a friend; I sampled the following buses and trains (the latter are being posted for completeness):

ANW's Plaxton Pointer 2 X229 ANC (2229)
56A - Netherton, Glovers Lane > Queen Square Bus Station
I was shocked when I spotted this as being my first bus of the day! I couldn't have started any worse, and if I could, I wouldn't know what to do! Its interior was filled with things that could rattle, such as the seats - some of which were bouncing up and down, causing banging, handrail-rattling and squeaking all the way! Its shudder between idle and gear one was sickening too! The only impressive feature of the bus was its speed, however the driver was time-watching... Sadly, the bus stuck with me throughout the whole day in the form of a headache! I'd probably give this bus the "pleasure" of being Bootle depot's worst bus in service to-date!

Merseyrail's 507031
Moorfields > Ormskirk
I don't really pay attention to trains (I was reading the ECHO for most of the journey!), however this one seemed to clang and squeak a lot, especially from underneath!

Northern Rail's 153316
Ormskirk > Preston
It was nice to see a 153 again as these used to be my primary form of transport a while ago when I used to live in Cumbria. I couldn't fault it really!

Preston Bus' Optare Solo M920 PO56 RRZ (20788)
88A - Preston Railway Station > Preston Bus Station
My first ride on a bus that belongs to this company - a Solo though... It was pretty average really! It rattled a bit, however the woman driver wasn't too slow! The interior appeared to be well-kept, apart from litter beyond the control of the company!

Preston Bus' Citaro BF60 OEZ (10031)
16 - Preston Bus Station > Farringdon Park, Tudor Lane
After spotting this bus, we decided to take a ride on it - with it being unique to the company! I was really impressed by it! It seemed quick off the line, however the rattles and squeaks it featured came from the cab area. The interior seemed nice too! The driver was very nice; top marks for him!

Preston Bus' Esteem PO56 JDK (30915)
16 - Farringdon Park, Tudor Lane > Preston Bus Station
I was pleased that a bus of this type showed up as I've been wanting to ride the type for quite some time now! I was VERY impressed! The woman driver was fast and the bus sounded fantastic! There weren't many rattles either! The interior, again, seemed to be in a good condition!

John Fishwick & Sons' Pulsar YJ08 EFS (7)
111 - Preston Bus Station > John Fishwick & Son's Tuer Street Depot in Leyland
My first ride on a bus that belongs to this company; at first, I was slightly disappointed that it was of the type that I ride on over and over again! The driver was VERY fast though, with some kickdown too! The bus was generally quite fast and it sounded much better than many of ANW's examples! The interior was smart-looking and different! This Pulsar was probably one of the best of the type that I've ever rode on to be honest! The journey seemed to have a decent load all the way! Excellent ride!

John Fishwick & Sons' Pulsar 2 YJ12 CHH (15)
111 - John Fishwick & Son's Tuer Street Depot in Leyland > Preston Bus Station
With it being clear that once a bus finishes its journey here, something different from inside the depot tended to start the next outward journey, we decided to ride on this bus (and avoid ending up with a Cadet - the type were rising in numbers inside!). Again, its interior was different and smart. It sounded the same as ANW's 61-plated examples; it also rattled quite a bit. The driver was quite fast, and we even got kickdown out of him once or twice! The journey, again, seemed to be well-loaded all the way too!

Preston Bus' Omnidekka PO56 RSZ (40407)
23 - Preston Bus Station > Fulwood ASDA Supermarket Bus Station
Another low-in-population type with this company, which is why we chose to ride on it! Another fantastic bus! The driver was quite fast, however the bus itself was great! Ride-quality-wise, it was fine! It sounded fantastic! One of the best double-deckers that I've rode on to-date!

Preston Bus' Lolyne V192 EBV (40592)
23 - Fulwood ASDA Supermarket Bus Station > Royal Preston Hospital
It was certainly nice to ride ANOTHER type of bus within this company's fleet, however I didn't really enjoy the ride - despite the speeds and kickdown the driver was enforcing! The interior was a bit too gloomy for my liking.

Preston Bus' Optare Versa V1100H YJ61 JJU (30122)
19A - Royal Preston Hospital > Preston Bus Station
Optares aren't really my thing to be honest! They lack variety! This bus sounded exactly the same as Cumfybus' new hybrid Solos; the only difference was that this bus seemed much faster! It rattled too - EVERYTHING SEEMS TO RATTLE THESE DAYS...!

SM&SL's Scania/Enviro400 PX09 AXA (15471)
2X - Preston Bus Station > Preston Railway Station
I pity the passengers that were staying on to Southport and even Liverpool! The ride was close to unbearable to be honest! It vibrated in idle; it rattled violently whilst going. It sounded boring, however that's my opinion on the type!

Northern Rail's 153316
Preston > Ormskirk
Exactly the same as my previous ride on it, however this time it sounded a bit rougher!

Merseyrail's 508103
Ormskirk > Old Roan
I didn't even pay attention to the train if I'm honest!

Cumfybus' Optare Solo M920 H12 CFY
130 - Old Roan Interchange (Bus Station) > Netherton, Glovers Lane
This bus was AWFUL - not even worth my 50p! The driver was fast, however the bus was so slow off the line and beyond! Rattles were violent too! Nice interior though!

My opinion on new companies that I've sampled today:

Preston Bus
Their buses seem to be well-presented internally, however whilst their fleet is still in repaint mode, not everything is perfect externally! Staff seem friendly; I only had one disagreement with a woman driver at Royal Preston Hospital over taking a photograph of her bus...

John Fishwick & Sons
DAFs/VDLs all-around in their single-decker fleet, it seems! I was very impressed with 7, and 15 wasn't bad at all! Their fleet looks OK (their livery is not to my taste!). Their staff seem quiet, however friendly when confronted! Credit to their depot staff for being very friendly!

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