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Sale of Local Authority bus companies
RE: Sale of Local Authority bus companies
I agree i dont think rotala would be in a posistion to buy NW if it was ever put up for sale as i think due to the current fleet NW have the price of assets would make the company to costly to buy and think it would be soaked up by one of the larger companies who have the financial backing to buy and invest even though not much investment in the fleet would be needed straight away apart from a fare restructure where as halton would need a bit of investment in there fleet but i think halton are making good with what they have and haven't stretched there finances that would potentially but them in a financial burden and think halton would be one for stagecoach if they ever went up for sale as halton would invest heavily on the fleet.
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RE: Sale of Local Authority bus companies - motormayhem1 - 19/12/2015 11:20

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