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And now for something ....
And now for something ....
......completely different (with apologies to Monty Python!)

Hope that no-one minds if I try and re-create a thread that I had on the old board.

I've put it in here, as it is sort of an advert, but also rather more of a news service......

Stanegate Restorations are a small business based in Haltwhistle, Northumberland.
We specialise in supplying superb craftsmanship to the heritage sector, mainly working in timber. Our projects have included various steam related items like railway carriages and waggons of several gauges; boat refits - such as a 1909 pulling lifeboat; as well as several horse drawn vehicles - how about a coke-fired, horse-drawn chip van.......

Apart from my own motorcycles, an infernal combustion engined project has so far eluded our attentions.......

I intend to update this thread when my homepage / website is revised, and rather more often as I make additions to the various image sets on flickr.


PS. I have most of my update posts (for 2012) saved "at home" so I can add them to this thread shortly. I'll also update my user profile.....

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Wink RE: And now for something ....
If I haven’t already - With very best wishes for the coming year, sorry if they are a little late !
Start of January 2012 UPDATES: Since my last updates, in mid December, I have been posting images to the flickr account. Over the past weekend I added something in the region of 30. Some have been work-related, but a few others are not and others are retrievals from the ether or are scanned photographs. Apologies if some of the latter are a little grainy or a little different in colour balance……
For the work images, most are for the Miller and the Forcett Coach. (a few more are of Ben)
If you visit the sets index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves.
As I have mentioned before - If you would like a little light reading, try the December 2011 issue of “Old Glory” – it has an illustrated article profiling Stanegate Restorations and Replicas. This gives a very good summary of recent projects……
Please – feel free to dip into my photostream, have a click, if you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). I have added some galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..
Thanks for looking.

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RE: And now for something ....
Mid to Late January Updates:
Just dropped by to say that I have just uploaded a few images of recent progress on the Forcett Coach, which just go to show that this was never going to be an easy job! The linked image shows the new and old end cills. I hope to be able to add a couple more images quite soon.
Thanks for looking, commenting etc

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RE: And now for something ....
February 2012 UPDATES:
Since my last updates, at the end of January, I have been posting more images to the flickr account. I had hoped to do this in several stages; however, by few days ago I had added something in the region of forty images.
Mostly they are work related – the first two links specifically showing further work to the Forcett Coach, the third one is the Miller Fifer…..but there are a few other subjects, as well.
Spring lambs and a happy Ben – who is really improving his skills.
If you visit the ‘Sets’ index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves – I am using the ‘date uploaded’ marker instead.
Please – feel free to paddle in my photostream, have a click or three. If you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). There are some galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..I have added some remarks as to why I added the selected images.
Thanks for looking.

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Brick RE: And now for something ....
The last update posts were in February, but during March 41 images were uploaded, and another 26 images to date in April. There should be a few more in a day or three. We have been making steady progress on a number of projects, both existing and new ones. We have another, major, project in the final stages of making the arrangements – all will be made clear in very soon, and I will be putting more updates on my homepage to take account of these changes in due course.
Forcett –
Miller –
Sentinel *new* –
The new apprentice – Ben deDog – has continued to improve and is started to develop some real character…..and he likes the sea !
Ben –
We have also had a few “awaydays” as all work and no play makes for a stressful life…..
Coniston –
If you visit the sets index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves.
We also have just started our second trainee in her placement under the Engineering Heritage Skills Initiative. I will set up a new collection and sets to cover this scheme very shortly, as I need to take some specific images, and retrieve some others.
As I have mentioned before - If you would like a little light reading, try the April 2012 issue of “Old Glory” – it has an illustrated article covering the restoration of Berriman’s Chip Van for Beamish Museum by Stanegate Restorations and Replicas.
This project was included within the BBC2 Program “Brick by Brick – Rebuilding the Past” which was broadcast at 2100 yesterday. (Friday 13th April 2012), I believe it will be on i-player for a few more days.
Please – feel free to dip into my photostream, have a click, if you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). I have added some galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..
Thanks for looking, commenting etc

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Bug RE: And now for something ....
Many Apologies for the lateness of this post – all should become clear(ish) with the contents of the next post, for Early June 2012……
Early May 2012 UPDATES:
Since my last updates, during April, I have been posting more images to the flickr account. I have done this in several stages; however, by yesterday I had added somewhere in the region of forty images. I have also updated my homepage, a further update is due very soon……
Mostly they are work related – the first link specifically shows further work to the Forcett Coach, the next one is the Miller Fifer, which is due a few extra images as we have reached a milestone – the engine runs! Which, if it will stop raining, will be photographed……..but there are a few other subjects, as well.
We attended the graduation of the first group of EHSI trainees, and I’ve a few images of the event.
As a small project, we built a display case for a model of a “Double Fairlie” locomotive.
If you visit the ‘Sets’ index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves – I am using the ‘date uploaded’ marker instead.
Please – feel free to splash around in my photostream, let me know what you spot by having a click or three. If you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). There are some galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..I have posted remarks as to why I added the selected images.
Thanks for looking.

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RE: And now for something ....
Many Apologies for the lateness of this post – all should become clear(ish) with the contents
Mid – late June 2012 UPDATES:
Since my last update, back in mid May, I have been uploading images to the flickr account. I have done this in several stages; however, by yesterday I had added somewhere in the region of forty images. I have also updated my homepage, to include the details of new projects……
The major item of interest is that the Foxfield Railway based North Staffordshire Railway Rolling Stock Restoration Trust (NSRRSRT) have commissioned Stanegate Restorations and Replicas to return NSR127 to operational condition. The trust have supplied an underframe and we will rebuild the body…..the Staffordshire Environmental Fund have provided a substantial grant towards the cost. Images uploaded so far are the delivery and some of the ‘before’ ones. More will follow as work progresses
NSR127 :
Most of the new images are work related – the first link specifically shows further work to the Forcett Coach, and there has been more work recently….. the next one is the Miller Fifer, showing the engine running! Followed by a shot of the Sentinel cab (again, this is further advanced than seen here) and there are a few other subjects, as well.
Forcett :
Miller :
And another one of Ben, doing his best as morale and entertainments manager!
I’m hoping to be able to upload quite a few more images very soon – so please check back…….
If you visit the ‘Sets’ index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves – I am using the ‘date uploaded’ marker instead.
Please – feel free to plodge in my photostream, you can click on things that interest you to get the ‘on black’ version, or for a larger image. If you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). There are several galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..I have posted remarks as to why I added the selected images. The most recent are of “William Riley” in the Jubilee Thames Pagaent
Thanks for looking.

PS: Well now, I think that is all up to date. Have some fun !

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RE: And now for something ....
Many, Many Apologies for the lack of recent (!) updates – the last one was months ago !.
I’ll not bore you with the details of the reasons; it is more than a bit complicated. Suffice it to say that posting updates has not been that high a priority, although I’ve continued to add images to the flickr photostream, showing work in progress on various projects as well as a range of other subjects.

Up to November 2012 UPDATES :

Since my last update, back in mid June, I have been uploading images to the flickr account. I have done this in several stages; however, by 14th November I had added somewhere in the region of 300 images. I have also updated my homepage, to include the details of new projects……

Progress is being made on NSR127 : [url] [/url] Please note :- There are some more images of the latest work to be uploaded shortly.
Work continues on S&D179 – recently the scumbling has been progressed. Re-assembly will follow shortly. Forcett :[url] [/url]
The Sentinel Steam Waggon cab and roof have been built, painted and delivered. [url] [/url] We are looking forward to seeing the finished vehicle on display in the future.
And another one of Ben : demostrating his lifejacket – quite the sea-dog !
[url] [/url]
I’m hoping to be able to upload quite a few more images very soon – so please check back…….
If you visit the ‘Sets’ index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves – I am using the ‘date uploaded’ marker instead.

Please – feel free to splash around in my photostream, you can click on things that interest you to get the ‘on black’ version, or for a larger image. If you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). There are several galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..I have posted remarks as to why I added the selected images.

Thanks for looking.

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RE: And now for something ....
Up to Early January 2013 UPDATES :

Since my last update, back in late November, I have been uploading images to the flickr account. I have done this in several stages; however, by the 2nd January I had added somewhere in the region of 65 images. I had also updated my homepage, to include the details of new projects……

I would like to pass on my best wishes for the coming year – have a good one. For me, at least, last year has been more than a little complicated……, here is an image of Ben, looking a bit like I felt at times in 2012.

Project reports :-
Progress is being made on NSR127 : [url] [/url] Please note :- these are some more images of the latest work, just uploaded. Other work has included new droplights
Work continues on S&D179 –the scumbling has been completed and re-assembly is now in progress. Forcett :[url][/url]
The Classic Ski Boat has been receiving some attention to the in-board engine and gearbox (Volvo Penta) and we temporarily “rebuilt” the structure, partly to check that we did still have everything to hand and partly to make a decision on some of the next stage(s) in the work. [url] [/url]
A few other images have been uploaded recently…….this one is not quite as it seems, there is a strong clue if you look carefully ! [url] [/url] makes a change from most of the weather this year.

I’m hoping to be able to upload quite a few more images very soon – so please check back…….
If you visit the ‘Sets’ index page, the *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, as yet I have not added markers to the images themselves – I am using the ‘date uploaded’ marker instead.

Please – feel free to splash around in my photostream, you can click on things that interest you to get the ‘on black’ version, or for a larger image. If you are a flickr member – you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). There are several galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..generally, I have posted remarks as to why I added the selected images.

Thanks for looking.

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RE: And now for something ....
Early - Mid February 2013 Updates :

Since my last update, back in early January, I have been uploading images to my flickr account. I have added somewhere in the region of 30 images, there are some more to upload…. Also I need to update my homepage, to include the details of new projects……
We have has some “interesting” weather just recently.......

Project reports :-
More progress has been made on NSR127 : Repairs to the side modules has become a production line system ! The droplight kits are now ready and waiting for their glazing. The timber has been delivered for the new doors and component production has been started.
Work continues on S&D179 - the Forcett coach: The seats have been re-built and various small fettling tasks are underway, such as re-fitting the hand-brake gear. Updated Images to follow so this link is to an older view
A few other images have been uploaded recently…including a reet wass camera….for non-speakers of the mackem dialect; that means very big camera – see: VPC There are a couple of extra images to upload about this …..

We have a couple of new projects in the pipeline, and I hope to have images (and to have done my homepage updates) within a few days……so please check back !
In other news, there will be another EHSI trainee starting a placement at Stanegate Restorations in March 2013.
The *new* and *updated* markers are in the appropriate set titles, but not every set is in a collection.

Please – feel free to plodge around in my photostream, you can click on things that interest you to get the larger image, or the ‘on black’ version. Should you be another flickr member then you will be able add a comment or maybe even select a favourite (or several). I’ve just been looking at my stats – the number of favourited images is trailing the ones commented on by 40 (340 to 370). I have a number of galleries as well; these have other peoples’ images…..generally, I have noted why I included them.

Thanks for looking.

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